miercuri, 3 aprilie 2013

My 96 miles walk

My name is Emanuel (Emil for friends) Neacșu, I am an romanian journalist from Bucharest and a humble fan of the most beautiful football team in the world, Liverpool FC.

Starting with 10th of april I will try to do a 96 miles walk between Sheffield and Liverpool, for the memory of the 96 victims of the tragedy of Hillsborough stadium in 1989. Apart of the football related part of my effort, I want to highlight that I am not doing this as a political gesture, it is just a friendly campaign to show the support of romanian people to the british. I want to let people know that we are not all coming in UK for benefits and so on.
On 15th of April I will be on Anfield stadium at the ceremony dedicated to Hillsborough victims.
And on 18th I will be back in Romania, so the government in London can be sure there will be no more worries about at least one romanian.

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